VDP Group has always viewed the respect of the environment as a priority and has invested in plants and technological solutions with low environmental impact.

The health and safety of the resources that operate in the VDP Group establishments are what guaranteed VDP Foundry to gain the LavoroSicuro certificate, according to the guidelines UNI_INAIL. The safety management system allows the monitoring of key aspects, such as the analysis of injuries and near-miss, the use and conformity of DPIs, the management of reports and the ongoing improvements of safety equipment inside the establishments of the Group.
VDP Group regards the conscious use of energetic sources in planting and infrastructural choices as a priority, viewing the allocation of advanced control systems of all new plants, in full respect of all the BAT (Best Available Technologies) of the sector, as “must-have”.

VDP and social commitment
I Bambini delle Fate in Italy
A social enterprise that ensures economic support of projects and journeys of social inclusion since 2005, managed by local partners in Northern Italy to benefit families affected by autism and other disabilities.