
The environment as a priority

VDP Group has always viewed the respect of the environment as a priority and has invested in plants and technological solutions with low environmental impact. The environmental impact, both in terms of reduction of the atmospheric emission of pollutants, and of the impact on natural sources (water, soil, etc.), is the principal that all VDP investment decisions are based on, together with safety and energy matters.


The 3 VDP Group companies are certified ISO 14001:2015 with an environmental management system certified by DNV GL, certification body with Accredia. The management systems cover all critical areas from an environmental point of view, such as the amount of emissions in the atmosphere, water discharges, waste management, efficient use of natural resources, etc.

About continuous monitoring of the environmental impact, during the year 2020 VDP Foundry has often joined, with the collaboration of ASSOFOND, the project “Life-Effige”. The project, financed by the European Commission, focuses on the implementation of the calculation method “PEF-Product Environmental Footprint” for the environmental impact evaluation in view of the Life Cycle Assessment.